Press Office
Partner of Promotion, 11.04.2017
Polish association “Związek Sadowników RP” chose Partner of Promotion for promoting the campaign about European apples in Africa.
Partner of Promotion won the tender for conducting the campaign "Time for apples from Europe" organized by Polish association “Związek Sadowników RP”. The project will be carried out in Algeria and Egypt for the next two years. The aim of the campaign is to increase local consumers’ knowledge about the quality of European apples.
The campaign "Time for apples from Europe" is co-financed from European funds, which budget is over 2,5 mln euro. The project will be conducted by the consortium of companies consisting of Partner of Promotion and Global Marketing Connections. The project activities will be performed completely on foreign markets and will last until 2019. The agency will be responsible for preparing the website of the campaign, dealing with activities in social media and organizing a series of seminars, conferences and actions.