Hauptsitz Partner of Promotion
Belgradzka Straße 8/01, 02-793 Warschau, Polen,
Tel./fax: (0048) 22 858 74 58,

Büro in Peking
Zimmer 1201, InterChina Commercial Building, No. 33 Deng Shi Kou Straße, Dong Cheng District, Peking 100006 PRCbr, China,
Tel.: (86) 10 6525 8152, (86) 10 6525 8153,
Zel: (86) 10 6525 8151,

Büro in Shanghai
Zimmer 503, Block A, GreenLand Center, No. 596 Middle Longhua Straße, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200032 PRC, China,
Tel.: (86) 21 6441 6701, (86) 21 6441 6702,
Zel: (86) 21 6441 6700,

Registry Court: District Court for the capital city of Warsaw, XIII Department of the National Registry Court
KRS (National Court Register) no. 0000194043
Share Capital: 50 000,00
Tax Identification Number: 951-00-43-622


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