Press Office

Ghelamco, 12.12.2011

Warsaw Spire - Skyscraper in Warsaw wins Eurobuild Awards

Warsaw Spire, developed by Ghelamco, won in the category Architectural design of the year, Poland in Eurobuild Awards competition. Live voting took place during Eurobuild's official ceremony at the Hilton Hotel in Warsaw, where 650 real estate, finance and consulting industry representatives from the CEE were present.
Eurobuild Awards is a very special event for the real estate market in Poland. Live voting for Architectural design of the year, Poland took place during the presentation of all nominated investments on 8th December. The winning Warsaw Spire is a unique business complex developed by Ghelamco in the centre of Warsaw. The complex is comprised of three buildings including a 220 m tower and two sounding buildings with the height of 55 m. The construction has commenced since mid-2011.

The Warsaw skyscraper is not only the symbol of modernity and functionality but also the reflection of marvellous architecture which is the work of Belgian architectural studio M .& J-M. Jaspers - J. Eyers &Partners. During 40 years of its operation, the studio has gained rich experience and now provides services of the highest quality and creates the most prestigious venues all over the world.

M .& J-M. Jaspers - J. Eyers &Partners portfolio comprises the headquarters of many international companies, high-rise investments, governmental facilities, airports and high-class hotels. Warsaw Spire is another project implemented in the cooperation of Ghelamco Poland and the Belgian studio. "Our close, long-term cooperation lead to the implementation of remarkable architectural vision for capital Warsaw. We captured the idea of modern and functional office in the 220 m tower and two 55 m side buildings," says architect Jonathan Eyers.

Warsaw Spire is one of the most unique office buildings in the capital of Poland. Steel and glass combine to create a well-lit space which will become one of the most characteristic symbols of the city panorama. The investment will be one of the best business addresses in Warsaw, or even in Poland. The investment is located in the city centre, next to Hilton Hotel, near the main transport hub, where the city's main arteries, including the second line of the Warsaw's metro, intersect.

Not only the architecture, location and technological advancement are the buildings determinants but also a new approach to the urban planning of public sphere. Warsaw Spire has been created for Warsaw and with its residents in mind. There will be a spacious square, 4000smq, open to everyone in the space between the buildings. The complex will be a lively meeting place also outside working hours. Fountains and surrounded by green area the square will be characteristic due to elements of small architecture. There will also be restaurants offering dishes from the international cuisine, cafes, bars, shops and service points and in winter ice skating ring with unlimited access. Such a spacious square in the centre of the complex of this size is the first of this kind in Warsaw and CEE.

The investment will provide approx. 100 000 m2 of modern business space together with 1200 underground parking spaces to the market. Distinguishing features are the design and the most innovative technologies implemented in the project. What's more, the building was designed in accordance with the requirements of BREEAM eco-certificate.

"The award for Warsaw Spire, granted by the voters being the industry representatives present at the ceremony, is a great honour and pride. Warsaw skyscraper is our flagship investment and we anticipate that in 2014 it will be the most recognizable office project in Warsaw," Jeroen van der Torlen, Ghelamco Poland Manging Directors, commented on the award.

Also, as a part of Eurobuild Awards, Ghelamco won the title of Office developer of the Year CEE as a recognition of the developer's dynamic and consequent activities on the Polish office market. There were 19 competitors within the category. Experts judging in the category assessed numerous aspects: the time of the company's presence on the market, the scope of activities, reputation, data concerning terms of lease, financial results, as well as the number, scope, creativity and the importance of implemented projects. Ghelamco Poland beat the competition as one of the leading developer on the Polish market. The jury appreciated the successful company, which has delivered over 375 000 m2 of modern business space during its 20 years presence on the Polish market. According to the forecast for the prospective 4 -5 years the company will deliver another 300 000 m2 of space, of which 200 000 am2 are already being implemented.



Ghelamco Poland to lider rynku nieruchomości komercyjnych w Polsce i pionier w dziedzinie innowacji, zrównoważonego budownictwa i kreowania przestrzeni publicznej. Przez 26 lat, jako inwestor, deweloper i generalny wykonawca, firma ugruntowała swoją wiodącą pozycję na polskim rynku dostarczając 1 100 000 m2 najwyższej klasy powierzchni biurowej, mieszkaniowej, handlowej i magazynowej. Wolumen sprzedaży zrealizowanych projektów przekracza 1,3 mld EUR. Flagową inwestycją firmy jest kompleks biurowy Warsaw Spire wraz z placem Europejskim, uznany za najlepszy budynek biurowy na świecie w prestiżowym konkursie MIPIM Awards 2017.

Jako wizjoner w branży Ghelamco od lat konsekwentnie wdraża pionierskie projekty innowacyjnych, zaawansowanych technologicznie budynków i wyznacza kierunki dla rozwoju rynku nieruchomości w Polsce. To właśnie belgijska firma odkryła potencjał Mokotowa, wprowadziła do Polski koncepcję parku biznesowego i jako pierwsza certyfikowała budynki biurowe w prestiżowym systemie BREEAM – firma posiada w swoim portfolio już 9 certyfikowanych projektów o łącznej powierzchni 320 000 m2. Ghelamco także jako pierwszy spośród deweloperów dostrzegł potencjał Woli – lokalizacji, w której powstaje aktualnie nowe biznesowe serce stolicy.

Ghelamco to także jedyny deweloper w Polsce, który postrzega zrównoważone budownictwo w szerszej perspektywie i aktywnie działa na rzecz kształtowania przestrzeni publicznej. Firma realizuje projekty na rzecz rewitalizacji całych dzielnic, kreując obszary wartościowe dla miasta, jak plac Europejski. By dodatkowo wesprzeć miastotwórcze inicjatywy, firma Ghelamco powołała do życia Fundację Sztuka w Mieście, której celem jest podnoszenie jakości miejskiej przestrzeni publicznej poprzez działania artystyczne czy ambientowe dla lokalnych społeczności. Dokonania Ghelamco zostały wyróżnione szeregiem nagród, siedemnastokrotnym tytułem Dewelopera roku w Polsce.

Informacje dla mediów:
Michał Nitychoruk, Senior Account Executive, Partner of Promotion
e-mail: , tel. 22 858 74 58 w. 95, 600 210 304

Radosław Górecki, Communication Manager, Ghelamco Poland
email: tel. 795 104 982