Partner of Promotion, 07.10.2013

Partner of Promotion for the Avio Aero

Partner of Promotion started cooperation with Avio Aero, world leader in the aviation. The agency will be responsible for the comprehensive PR support at the start of construction of one of the most advanced research centers in the world.
"Polonia Aero" laboratory is a project launched by consortium, which includes the top Polish technical universities such as Warsaw University of Technology and Military University of Technology and Business Partners: Military Aircraft Factory No.4 and Avio Aero.

Construction costs will be mostly funded by the Operational Programme "Innovative Economy", because the project has been classified as a projects with high potential research. The laboratory will be used to test the prototypes of the low pressure turbines used in aircraft engines.

Avio Aero is a leader in the manufacture of aircraft components. Its main office is located in Turin, Italy. The company has offices around the world, including Poland.
Since 2001, in Bielsko Biała research and production center, which employs 450 people, are made turbine blades and modules for the aircraft engine and their versions for the Navy and industrial applications.